Trong Heritage Village, Zhemgang

Posted on Thu March 7, 2019 in Destination - Royal Manas National Park.

One of the attractions of Zhemgang is the Trong Heritage Village, an array of traditional stone masonry houses built on a hillock overlooking the imposing Zhemgang Dzong/Fortress

It was the initiative of the 4th King Jigme Singye Wangchuck and people of the community to preserve this unique Bhutanese architecture and promote eco tourism in the area. Not much is documented or written about the origin of Trong Village or when it was built but the elderly locals say it must be more than 100 years.

The neatly laid down stones, skillful use of available materials, earthquake resistant techniques, cobbled pathways and natural airflow and lights of the entire village exemplifies the architectural splendor of Bhutan well maintained over the centuries.

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Further Reading

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